Please Select a Date to view availability and accurate pricing for your voyage!

Please Select Start Date for your Multi-Day Rental to view Multi-Day Discount prices.


Over 12+ years

- +


Ages 2-12

- +


Under 2

- +

How do I reset my password?

In order to do so we need to ensure that we have your phone number!

Instructions to Add Phone number

1.    Navigate to your account settings {LINK}

2.    Find the place on the page to enter your number.

3.    If there is a number already there then please review to ensure this is your active mobile phone number. If your phone number is already registered and verified then please jump to “Instructions to Add SMS Notifications” below.

4.    If there is not a phone number already there then please add your phone number

5.    Click the “Verify Phone Number” button below.

6.    Now check your text messages on your phone to see your verification code

7.    A box will have popped up on your screen, please enter the verification code to verify your phone number.

8.    Now your phone number is verified and we are ready to text about renting watercrafts!

Instructions to Add SMS Notifications

1.    Navigate to the Account Settings page

2.    Click the “Notifications” tab

3.    The center column refers to mobile notifications, please check the boxes for the types of actions for which you wish to receive SMS notifications.

4.    You will be notified!


Please contact if you have any further questions! We want to ensure you get on the water as quickly and happily as possible!

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